This morning I caught up on some communications that had languished over the break, and then I took apart the nozzle on the MakerBot Thing-O-Matic in my office to clean it out and get it printing properly again. Here's a successfully printed iPad sound deflector.
Next on the agenda was getting out Episode 5 of Ed Tech Now, but that was mostly Donna Griffin's doing.
I also spent some time helping with a redesign of to get it ready for the pending launch, and organizing a Communications Committee meeting. The conference will be November 20 - 22, 2013.
After that I spent some time troubleshooting and fixing some devices.
I also had another conversation about school language labs, and how schools are looking at spending $20,000 to $40,000 (per site) on software to replace tape-based language labs. I suggested, again, that all of that could be accomplished using Moodle Language Lab, which is already set up. And also that most of what teachers want to do with a language lab can be accomplished better with services such as YouTube or SoundCloud.
At lunch I had a great conversation with a teacher about the things she is doing differently in her classroom, and how student engagement and achievement have improved. She hadn't been involved in an AISI project, but had just been doing this on her own. I had talked to her in the past about some of her ideas, but it was very cool to hear more of what's going on in her classroom.
This afternoon I spent some time with our Moodle Language Lab making sure things were configured and working. It turns out that it wasn't working after an upgrade because I had to change the languagelab_red5server variable to be just the FQDN without a port number, since we're using the default port (5080).
I also experimented with and installed PoodLL in our Moodle as an alternative approach to language assignments.
At the end of the day I was at the ElkFest Film Festival judges meeting.
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