Thursday, April 11, 2013

2013-04-11 Thursday

Today I prepared a little more for tomorrow's professional development day, helped with some troubleshooting, spent some time with the Salisbury Maker/Hacker Club, wrote a blog post about Source Filmmaker, and started curating some digital citizenship resources.

Speaking of digital citizenship, we've gotten a few requests recently to block (filter) some game websites on the EIPS network. Currently the category "games" is blocked, but of course there's no way that FortiGuard could possibly categorize all the game sites on the Internet, but they are flagging many of them.

The issue is usually that students are playing games on school computers when they are supposed to be doing something else. Occasionally the staff member finds the games themselves offensive, and requests that they be blocked for that reason. In general, though, the issue comes down to increasing supervision of students while on computers. As I tend to say, it's difficult or impossible to have technological solutions to behavioral problems.

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